Tai ultraview 6.2
Tai ultraview 6.2

These results indicate that β Add is required for stabilizing mature spines under basal conditions in the NAc, but that lack of this protein does not prevent synaptic remodeling following repeated cocaine administration. In addition, β Add KO mice showed elevated locomotor activity in response to cocaine treatment compared to WT siblings. As expected, there was a significant increase in overall spine density in NAc slices from cocaine-treated WT mice at this time-point, however, there was a greater increase in the density of mushroom spines in β Add KO animals following chronic cocaine administration compared to WT. The effect of 10 days of daily cocaine (15 mg/kg) administration on NAc spine number and locomotor behavior was also measured in β Add WT and knockout (KO) mice. Using diolistic labeling with the lipophilic dye DiI, we found that the density of mature mushroom-shaped spines was significantly decreased in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in brain slices from βAdd KO mice as compared to their wildtype (WT) siblings. Beta adducin ( βAdd) is involved in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus however, the role of βAdd in synaptic plasticity in other brain areas is unknown. The adducin family of proteins associates with the actin cytoskeleton in a calcium-dependent manner.

Tai ultraview 6.2